Lazyj and I are developing the BG:Siege game for YMG and development has been put on hiatus while RL consumes Lazyj.:-(
As you might guess, long protracted sieges are very boring, its when the breach occurrs that things get very interesting very quickly. One of our ideas for the long boring part was to simulate it with a card game, the results of which would determine the characteristics of the actual breach or failure of the attackers to create a breach. This card game, which we call "Breach!" is a very experimental part of the BG:Siege system, but as its own game it is fun to play and can be played with a standard 52 card deck.
The game is won by having the most cards in your victory pile.
The game is played as a series of tricks which consist of a lunge and parry. Each player plays a card face up, the first card played is called the lunge and the parry is the second card played.
To begin each player is dealt a hand of seven cards. Each hand is played until empty and then the players are dealt a new hand of seven cards. After three hands the game is over and the players tally their points to determine the winner. In the actual BG:Siege game, the attacker takes the first lunge, if playing Breach! by itself, cut the deck and low card goes first. Thereafter, the winner of the previous hand goes first.
After the lunge and parry, the cards are compared and the lowest card wins. Aces are low, except all Kings beat an Ace. This keeps in context the flavor of Battleground where low dice are good.
Example: A Jack beats a Queen, which beats a King, and a King beats an Ace. Ace beats everything but a King (and ties another Ace, of course).
If the cards are equal they are placed in the discard pile.
When a trick is won, the the suit of the winning card determines the outcome:
Weapons (Clubs): Both cards are placed in the winners victory pile.
Siege Equipment (Spades) Both cards are placed in the winners victory pile.
Subterfuge (Diamonds) Both cards are placed in the winners victory pile and the winner takes a card from the loser's victory pile (winners choice of card).
Supply (Hearts) Both cards are placed in the winners victory pile and the loser discards a card from his hand (to the discard pile!). This may result in one player going out first. When that happens the other player places the rest of his hand in his victory pile.
That's it!
At first when we played, we thought that you would just play your best card and go from there. After a couple of hands we discovered there was some strategy. After about ten hands we decided the game was very addicting!
For the siege game we are working on having the contents of the victory pile give you certain conditions that flavor the set up of the siege and decide the kind of breach and the opponents readiness etc. That is why the winner of a subterfuge trick gets to pick which card goes in his victory pile, in a non BG:Siege game of Breach! it doesn't really matter which card you choose. BG:Siege may be some time away yet, but until then I want everybody to have a chance to hone their Breach! skills.
Oh, and if anybody has some mad graphics skills and wants to do up a Siege deck that would be awesome sauce!
Welcome to Gull's own Battleground Blog!
This is my personal space about YMG's Battleground: Fantasy and Historical Warfare miniatureless miniatures game. If you love miniatures wargames, but are put off by the expense in time and money of collecting and painting all those figures, this is the game for you! If you are unfamiliar with Battleground simply click on the tutorial link below and watch a quick sample combat. Next, click on the forum link and meet some really great folks who will be responsive and answer all your questions. If you are already familiar with BG:FW&HW this site is an adjunct to the forums where I put up my own brand of replays and and stuff that just wouldn't fit in the forum (but I'll post links!).
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