I like felted terrain because it doesn't get jostled when you play on a felted surface. Although it is a little thicker, it lays much flatter. Again, I just prefer higher quality components and this is it for the terrain sets. I had originally mounted them on foam core but I didn't like the greatly increased storage hassle and the way the cards cantilevered off the terrain pieces.
Okay, I'm not going to do a whole tutorial on felting the terrain because its not rocket science. Here are the basic steps:
To start you want two sets of terrain since you're felting one side.
1. First you need to cut each set down into 8.5X11 sheets.
2. Match all the sheets with their counterparts and do the next step matching one set at a time, so you don't end up sticking felt to the same sides of the two identical pieces!
3. Peel the backing off the felt and lay it down on the table and then lay the map section on top of that. It helps if you have a straight edge to place the felt against and then place the edge of the map to that and let it hinge down into place.
4. Trim the edges and be sure to trim off the curved edges from the fold. This will remove about an eighth of an inch from the side, but make the whole piece lay flat and look great.
5. When you are all done you want to take a dark felt tip marker and "edge" the white edge of the map where it has been cut. This may not seem like a big deal, but it really looks sharp (or more accurately, it really hides the otherwise shiny white edge of the terrain). The terrain pieces are printed on thick paper stock and when trimmed there is a noticeable white edge.
6. The really big hills that are printed across the fold can be addressed in one of two ways:
a) You can leave them a one big piece and put two felt pieces on the back and they will have a slight ridge at the fold (be sure and leave about an eighth of an inch between the two felt pieces or the map won't fold), or:
b) You can cut them in half, felt each piece, and match them up when playing.
Either way works and it is a matter of taste.
I personally don't like the crease and so mine are cut. If you cut them, check and double check that you are adhering the felt to the matching sides. If you go this route you will want to trim a little more than a sixteenth of an inch or so off the folded edge because the two pieces won't lay flat otherwise. I'd go closer to an eighth than a sixteenth of an inch because if you go too little it won't cut right and then you'll have to cut another thicker piece and that is less desirable (voice of experience here). Also, you want to be sure and edge with a dark marker because the white map edge is more obvious on bigger pieces. When you edge, hold the map with the felt side towards you because you will invariable slip off the edge and getting a little ink mark on the felt is much better than getting it on the map.
Welcome to Gull's own Battleground Blog!
This is my personal space about YMG's Battleground: Fantasy and Historical Warfare miniatureless miniatures game. If you love miniatures wargames, but are put off by the expense in time and money of collecting and painting all those figures, this is the game for you! If you are unfamiliar with Battleground simply click on the tutorial link below and watch a quick sample combat. Next, click on the forum link and meet some really great folks who will be responsive and answer all your questions. If you are already familiar with BG:FW&HW this site is an adjunct to the forums where I put up my own brand of replays and and stuff that just wouldn't fit in the forum (but I'll post links!).
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